Do you always have the problem of sending confidential SMS and end it up landing in the wrong hands inviting trouble? Have you ever had yourself in situation in which you would like to share an important information to your friend but didn't due to fear of the information ending up in someone else's hands? This problem is eliminated in SMSGator. You can encrypt the SMS whose encryption code has been shared by you to the recipient who later decrypt the encrypted message using the code.
Businessmen would prefer this feature of the application whereas the developing companies Oglacs and ITTS developed it keeping in view for business use as well as personal use.
This application can be used with your iPhone's inbuilt AES encrypting feature. Write the SMS encrypt the SMS, share the code and send for more secure SMS service.
Apart from this excellent service, this iPhone application can be used to translate foreign language into local language or English before you can send it to your friends. Therefore, there's no more the headache of translating and typing.
Experience the all new easy and secure way of sending SMS by downloading SMSGator from iTunes